School Uniform
School Uniform Expectations
Ainsdale St. John’s CE Primary School is committed to promoting equality and value for money and to ensuring that no child is discriminated against due to their religion or belief, economic circumstances or social and cultural background.
This information contains provisions to meet these objectives and has been created with health and safety, value for money and practicality at its heart.
Additionally, it is important that our pupils feel a sense of belonging to our school. We believe that wearing a smart and practical uniform allows all children, regardless of their backgrounds, to feel equal to their peers and confident in their appearance.
We also believe it is important for children to wear clothing that is conducive to a successful learning environment, including activity-appropriate clothing, such as sports attire. Children will arrive to school wearing PE kits on 2 out of 5 school days.
Items requiring a logo and school ties can be purchased from Whittakers Schoolwear, Southport. We will also stock preloved school uniform in school to support our families.
Winter Uniform (Autumn and Spring Term)
Reception and Key Stage 1
- Red polo shirt – logo optional
Key Stage 2
- White shirt
- Red/navy school tie
- Grey pinafore/skirt/trousers
- Navy v-neck cardigan/jumper in sweatshirt material - logo optional
- Navy/grey/white socks
- Navy/grey tights
- Black sensible school shoes – no heels
PE Kit
- Red polo shirt - logo optional
- Unbranded navy joggers/leggings
- Unbranded navy hoodie
- Trainers
Summer Uniform (Summer Term)
- Red polo shirt or blue gingham summer dress/playsuit
- Grey skirt/shorts/trousers
- Navy cardigan/jumper - logo optional
- White socks
- Black sensible school shoes – no heels
PE Kit
- Red polo shirt - logo optional
- Navy shorts/skort
- Trainers
Swimming (Year 3 upwards)
- Full swimming costume or fitted swimming shorts/trunks
- Swimming cap
- Towel
Coat / waterproof
We ask that all children have a sensible coat that is waterproof with a hood, suitable to wear in the playground and during trips. We do not specify a colour, but coats should not be heavily stylised.
The only permitted jewellery that may be worn is:
- One pair of stud earrings
- A sensible wristwatch (not a smartwatch)
Jewellery is the responsibility of the pupil and not the school. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded.
We advise that jewellery is not worn on PE days. All jewellery must be removed during practical lessons, for example, PE lessons / swimming lessons. If children cannot remove their own earrings, then this should be done at home on the day of PE.
- Long hair must be tied back at all times.
- Hair colour must be natural.
- Hair accessories should be school colours of red or navy.
In addition, nail varnish/extensions or makeup should not be worn in school.
All items of clothing and footwear must be labelled with the pupil’s name - to help with this we have partnered with Tiger Tags, please visit to purchase your custom iron on and self adhesive name tags. All purchases through this link will raise money for the school!