Meet our Team
We have a fabulous team at Ainsdale St. John's where each member gives their all to our school community!
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs O'Brien - Headteacher
Miss Giles - Assistant Headteacher, EYFS/KS1 and Inclusion Lead (SENDCo)
Mrs Horsley - Assistant Headteacher, KS2 and Curriculum Lead
Administrative Support
Mrs McCaughrean and Mrs Taylor
Premises and Grounds
Mr Prescott - Caretaker
Reception - Miss Giles
Supported by Mrs Russell and Mrs Taylor
Year 1 - Mrs Andrews
Supported by Mrs Dicker (AMs), Miss Farnworth (AMs) and Mr Grugel (PMs)
Year 2 - Miss Sheffield
Supported by Vacancy (AMs) and Miss J
Year 3 - Mrs Johnston (Mon - Tue all day, Wed AM) Mrs Banks (Wed - Fri all day)
Supported by Mr Grugel (AMs) and Miss Farnworth (PMs)
Year 4 - Mrs Horsley (Mon-Thu) and Mrs Evans (Fri)
Supported by Miss Lloyd
Year 5 - Miss Hillsdon
Supported by Mrs Ratchford
Year 6 - Mr Corbett
Supported by Mrs Hyland and Miss Wareing
PPA - Miss Gee and Ms Hart
Pastoral Support
Pastoral Support Assistant - Mrs Beth Gale
ELSA - Ms Hart
Welfare Staff
Mrs Castell, Miss Li, Mrs Smith and Mr Graham as well as Teaching Assistants working alongside their children and classes
Kitchen Staff (Sefton Catering)
Davina and Tracy