Aspiringto Shine for Jesus
Start The Journey

Meet our Team

We have a fabulous team at Ainsdale St. John's where each member gives their all to our school community!


Senior Leadership Team

Mrs O'Brien - Headteacher

Miss Giles - Assistant Headteacher, EYFS/KS1 and Inclusion Lead (SENDCo)

Mrs Horsley - Assistant Headteacher, KS2 and Curriculum Lead


Administrative Support

Mrs McCaughrean and Mrs Taylor


Premises and Grounds

Mr Prescott - Caretaker



Reception - Miss Giles
Supported by Mrs Russell and Mrs Taylor

Year 1 - Mrs Andrews
Supported by Mrs Dicker (AMs), Miss Farnworth (AMs) and Mr Grugel (PMs)


Year 2 - Miss Sheffield
Supported by Vacancy (AMs) and Miss J


Year 3 - Mrs Johnston (Mon - Tue all day, Wed AM) Mrs Banks (Wed - Fri all day)
Supported by Mr Grugel (AMs) and Miss Farnworth (PMs)


Year 4 - Mrs Horsley (Mon-Thu) and Mrs Evans (Fri)
Supported by Miss Lloyd


Year 5 - Miss Hillsdon
Supported by Mrs Ratchford


Year 6 - Mr Corbett
Supported by Mrs Hyland and Miss Wareing 


PPA - Miss Gee and Ms Hart


Pastoral Support

Pastoral Support Assistant - Mrs Beth Gale

ELSA - Ms Hart


Welfare Staff

Mrs Castell, Miss Li, Mrs Smith and Mr Graham as well as Teaching Assistants working alongside their children and classes


Kitchen Staff (Sefton Catering)

Davina and Tracy

Let's Connect

Ainsdale St. John's CE Primary School

Sandbrook Road, Ainsdale, Southport, PR8 3JE

Mrs McCaughrean|Office Administrator

To arrange a 1:1 tour with the headteacher, Lorna O’Brien, please contact the school office

Let's Connect